Measurement kit for
resonant mechanical properties testing
According to this method, the sample to be tested is loaded with a
sinusoidal vertical acceleration (a0) through a shaker. A
weight-plate covering the whole surface is hence accelerated (a1),
which has to be measured. The technique is based on the
measurement of the amplitude of the transmissibility function (ratio
between z-axis top and plate accelerations in frequency domain).
Morover the method can be extended for determining dynamic
mechanical properties in the audible range. The procedure is based
on the direct measurement of the transmissibility function for
acceleration and makes use of a combination of a finite element
model and an analytical model in order to calculate frequency
dependent Young's modulus (more precisely the real part of the
complex modulus) and loss factor. The proposed method will also
allow for the estimation of the static value of Poisson's ratio.

Dynamic stiffness, Young modulus* and loss factor (half-power method)
Technical specifications
Measurement chain:
- Power amplifier Data Physics PA30E;
- 2 Accelerometers PCB 352C68;
- Shaker
Data Physics V4;
- Hardware National Instrument and
software developed in Labview ®