Measurement kit for sound
absorption properties of road surfaces in situ testing (ISO
ISO 13472-2:2010 specifies a test
method for measuring in situ the sound absorption coefficient of
road surfaces for the one-third-octave-band frequencies ranging
from 250 Hz to 1 600 Hz under normal incidence conditions.
The test method allows for :
- the determination of the sound
absorption coefficient of semi-dense to dense road surfaces,
- the measurement of the sound
absorption properties of test tracks in accordance with
standards such as ISO 10844 and test surfaces defined in
national and international type approval regulations for road
vehicles and vehicle tyres
- the verification of the compliance of
the sound absorption coefficient of a road surface with design
specifications or other requirements.

Surface impedance , Complex reflection coefficient, Normal incidence
sound absorption coefficient.
Technical specifications
Frequency range :220-1800 Hz
Tube diameter 100 mm
PCB Piezotronics 378C10
Sound acquisition and generation device NI USB 4431
Power amplifier
Software developed in Labview ®
On demand it is possible tosupply the system for determining the
surface properties of road surfaces in accordance with ISO 13472-1
(Adrienne Method)